Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats (XS/S) are softer than adult Whimzees dental dog treats and specially made for puppies aged over 3 months that weigh between 2.3 to 9kg.
Gentle yet efficacious on puppy teeth, Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats are packed with calcium to improve the growth of your puppy's teeth and bones.
Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats help keep your puppy's dental health in check as it is designed to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
A study was conducted on dogs that consumed Whimzees Dental Dog Treats daily in addition to dry food over a period of 28 days, compared to dogs that consumed only dry dog food.
Whimzees Dental Dog Treats were found to provide triple care dental health for your puppy, and help improve the condition of your puppy's:
Gums: Reduces gingivitis by 24%.
Breath: Halitosis by 43%.
Teeth: plaque by 31% and calculus by 62%.
Tartar can be developed from plaque if not controlled; Whimzees Dental Dog Treats have been proven to be two times more effective at reducing plaque.
Whimzees Dental Dog Treats are strongly recommended for dogs that have dental health issues as tartar can potentially lead to periodontal disease.
Accepted by the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council), Whimzees Dental Dog Treats are certified to help control tartar and reduce severity of periodontal disease with regular consumption.
Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats are vegetarian, made with high quality ingredients and produced sustainably without any GMO, artificial preservatives and flavouring.
Made from six primary all-natural ingredients, Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats contain:
Glycerin - Helps Whimzees treats retain moisture and taste better.
Potato Starch - A gluten-free, easily digestible source of energy.
Lecithin - Makes Whimzees treats more durable for longer chewing sessions.
Powdered Cellulose - A source of refined dietary fiber that also helps clean your puppy's teeth and improve digestion.
Yeast - Good source of Vitamin B, minerals and amino acids for a shiny and smooth coat and better digestion.
Malt Extract - Gluten-free, enhances metabolism, improves muscle tone as well as bone health.
Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats are grain-free, gluten-free, and are recommended for puppies with food allergies and/or sensitivities.
The perfect reward for your puppy, Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats come in two sizes (XS/S and M/L), as well as fun shapes of a duck and a teddy bear.
Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats are specially shaped to promote good blood flow in your puppy's gums and help avoid dental issues such as plaque & tartar.
Designed to last longer, Whimzees Puppy Grain-free Dental Dog Treats is a solid dental chew with multiple grooves to thoroughly clean in-between your puppy's teeth.