All natural oven baked meat jerky pet treats made from a single protein of fresh turkey meat. Air dried treats have no added preservatives and each piece of jerky is hand-cut, gently baked over low heat to lock in the nutrients. Feed your dog a safe, and healthy, dehydrated treat.
The Return and Exchange Policy described below appliesonly to online purchasesmade through our website.
We will exchange item(s) due to manufacturers' defect only.
The item(s) must be returned within 7 days of purchase in its original packaging and unused condition.
We will require you to provide the order ID as proof of purchase.
All sales of gift cards, e-gift certificates, non-exchangeable goods and any items marked as "Sale", "Clearance" or "Donation" are final. These items cannot be returned or refunded.
Non-exchangeable goods include (but not limited to) pet muzzles, e-collars, apparel, undergarments, footwear, clippers, strollers, beds, cushions, gates, playpens and cages.