pet fact
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All About Ragdolls
In the feline world, Ragdoll cats are known as gentle giants because of their affectionate nature despite being one of the largest cat breeds in th...

A Simple Guide to Owning a Bird
Have you been thinking of welcoming a feathered friend into your household? Before making such a big decision, it is crucial to understand what Avi...

6 Toxic Foods Your Pets Should Never Eat
Most pets love human foods and table scraps, especially pups. As pet owners, we tend to give in occasionally and share a bite with our furry friend...

Importance of Flea & Tick Prevention
Our pets bring joy and comfort into our lives and their welfare is a top priority for many pets owners. However, there’s a threat capable of jeopar...

Is A Rabbit The Right Pet For You?
Rabbits are undeniably adorable with their twitching noses and floppy ears. They’ve captured the hearts of many and their gentle and friendly natur...

Common Cat Myths to Stop Believing
Cats are among the most loved pets across the planet. Along with these creatures of mystery, comes a host of myths and misconceptions. While some o...

Common Dog Myths To Stop Believing
Our dogs hold a special place in our hearts. Their loyalty, companionship, and boundless affection enrich our lives in countless ways. However, alo...

Why Do Guinea Pigs "Popcorn"?
“Popcorning” is not something that guinea pigs eat or play with, it’s an activity that they do! When a guinea pig is happy or excited, it will ofte...

Why Does Your Cat Leave Its Mouth Open While Sniffing?
Being the curious animals that they are, cats love to investigate just about anything they can find. Cats are able to notice their surroundings a...

10 Fun Facts about Parrots
With their captivating colors, acrobatic antics and often silly personalities, parrots are hard to resist. Parrots are long-living, intelligent and...

Debunking Myths about Goldfish
Ahhh the goldfish, one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. The goldfish has long been plagued with myths that insult them for their in...

Cool Facts You Didn't Know About Pomeranians
Despite the Pomeranian’s small size and weighing only one to four kilograms, this lively little dog has a personality the size of Singapore! Pomera...
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